Geneza is PRODUCER of conventional dried vegetables and herbs and REPROCESSOR of a wide range of high-quality food ingredients.
Located in the very north of Serbia after over 30 successful years the family company Geneza has grown into one of the most prominent companies in supplying the food industry in the Balkan region and now delivering to numerous global partners around the World.
The firm’s main portfolio contains essential raw materials such as dried vegetables, kitchen herbs, spices additives, teas and packaging materials.
In its own factories Geneza processes the best natural herbs and vegetables of the region, cultivated on fully controlled local farms. In the two plans the company has the capacity to dry over 10 000 tons of fresh materials.
The processing capacity in the headquarter of Geneza is supported by a range of specialized machines, which at the end of the drying process and to its traded materials will provide a great flexibility of granulations, products can be delivered cleaned, sortexed, ground or sterilized as to unique partner preferences.
The installed equipment are highly energy efficient by exploiting the reversible heat from the drying, as that saving a minimum of 30% energy consumption, reducing the pollution, therefore supporting the environmental sustainability.